Latest News
FishVeg was created after years of testing and growing crops without soil; it has developed a hybrid of existing platforms such as Hydroponics, Aquaculture, and
Microgreens will launch a sustainable blueprint to feed the local communities.
Sustainability, Agritech & Business Pathway – Karl Ahmed
Sustainability is a crucial aspect of the world. To achieve better living conditions on the earth, sustainability is crucial. Nowadays, many business segments adhere to
Hear about our stories, we welcome comments…
Its a hard life being a farmer… Date: June 2023 Fishveg gets endorsement and approval from one of the largest councils in the UK. Fishveg
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Ready to invest in the future of agriculture? Contact our team today to learn more about investment opportunities with FishVeg. Together, we’ll cultivate success and drive positive change in the agriculture industry.
- Unit 3, Concorde Park, Concorde Rd, Maidenhead SL6 4BY. Berkshire. UK